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Hybrid Contact Centers and the Benefits of Workforce Management

Hybrid Contact Centers and the Benefits of Workforce Management
CommunityWFM Team
Written By CommunityWFM Team
On Sep, 17 2021
4 minute read

Simply put, the recent increase of remote contact center agents has created some new challenges. It’s just not as easy to understand agent morale and productivity with a workforce scattered across the country. Sure, some agents may still work in the office, but it’s important to ensure that all agents have access to the same opportunities and technology solutions regardless of their location.

This is a reason why contact centers are turning to workforce management (WFM) software to solve the hybrid work puzzle in a way that meets the needs of everyone. Here are a few ways workforce management software benefits the hybrid employee contact center.

Forecast and schedule every agent from one place – While the days of pinning an office schedule to a bulletin board are long gone, creating an accurate forecast and schedule encompassing every agent is still very important. With modern WFM software, creating solid forecasts and schedules for different agent groups takes minutes instead of hours and they can be customized to meet your unique needs. For example, if the in-office team works standard business hours and the remote team covers the start and end of each day, your WFM software can schedule for these unique shift preferences. You can even configure your software so agents that work in the office will only receive shift adjustment opportunities during specific times of the day.

Keep track of agent adherence and compare workgroups – One of the main concerns of operating a hybrid employee contact center is agent productivity. Will at-home agents be as effective as their in-office counterparts? Answering this question with adherence information from your WFM software solution provides you with valuable insights on how to make the most of your contact center resources. For example, if adherence data tells you that remote agents are far more productive during morning shifts than in-office agents, you can staff heavily with remote agents earlier in the day. Utilize this information to make your hybrid workforce become a benefit and not an obstacle.

Implement a mobile WFM app so all agents can act on opportunities – A concern some remote agents have in a hybrid work model is that they aren’t receiving the same opportunities as in-office agents. After all, it used to be a lot easier to just walk over to a group of agents sitting together and ask if someone could cover a shift tomorrow. A quick conversation avoided jumping through time-consuming technical hurdles, but it also unfortunately excluded remote agents. However, modern WFM software with an agent-centric mobile app has removed many of the scheduling obstacles that used to exist. Instead, it has helped to create a more balanced workplace with similar opportunities for remote agents. Requesting qualified agents to take on extra shift now takes mere seconds and all agents, regardless of their location, can accept the shift in real-time through the mobile WFM app. Creating this level of internal equality amongst your workforce is a positive experience and morale boost for remote agents.



Want to learn more about the impact a mobile WFM app can have your business?  

Click here to learn all about the Community Everywhere mobile app solution and all of the unique ways it can help to improve the efficiency of your team!


In short, WFM software positively impacts the hybrid employee contact center because it helps with creating actionable scenarios. It’s a solution that unites both in-office and at-home agents to provide equal opportunities while also compiling valuable information about both groups for your leadership team. The hybrid model of agent work is on the rise, so it’s important to evaluate your WFM technology sooner than later to ensure you have the right software that can make a difference.

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